Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Wow...what to say! So much has happened in so little time, on so many levels. Today, even as I was talking with the girls about our volunteer experience thus far, I had to stop for a moment to ask if it really had only been our second day of volunteering. 

These children are pure joy to be around. It is so easy for us to focus on what they may not have in their lives, yet from their innocent smiles (or sometimes mischievous) and cheerful giggles I find it easier to see what they DO have in their lives. The nurses that care for them, as one volunteer said truly are saints. Especially after learning today in our educational talk on Morocco what wage the nurses work for, I have even more respect for their compassion and hard work. 

From the meager experience we have had it is hard to imagine what is to come in the weeks approaching. Yet, I find myself awaiting eagerly as the little bit I have experienced, even taking the challenges into consideration, has opened my eyes as to the impact even one small person's hug, kiss or foreign words can make. 


  1. Hiya Miss Kelli!

    Is there any way for those of us here to send toys, clothes, etc. if you tell us what they need there? mj

  2. Tear....Thats soo awesome and amazing. i'm glad everything is going well.
